Tips For Dealing With Excess Diabetic Test Strips
For most diabetic individuals, the recommendation is to test their blood sugar a few times a day. However, many doctors write test strip prescriptions for excess amounts simply to ensure that there are enough in case of problems. Between prescriptions with extra strips and the ability to purchase test strips over-the-counter, many diabetics find themselves with an abundance of extra test strips at some stage. These excess strips often just sit in a cabinet because people don't know what else to do with them.
Keeping Medical Equipment Running Smoothly
If you have medical equipment in your home for yourself or someone else in your home, then it is extremely important for you to make sure you learn about all of the different red signs you want to watch for that can indicate to you that the equipment may be starting to show signs of malfunctioning. This way, you will spot issues and concerns as soon as possible and have them taken care of before they get worse.
STAT! Five Reasons For Maintaining Medical Equipment
Medical equipment is all that stands between you and losing a patient. Your equipment has to be ready to use at a heartbeat's notice. You do not have time to find a duplicate piece of equipment when a patient is bleeding out on your emergency room floor. That said, here are five quick reasons your hospital's needs medical equipment maintenance.
Save Precious Life-Saving Seconds
When a patient enters the emergency room and has suffered major injuries, a heart attack, or stroke, you and your doctors and nurses have only a few minutes to stop bleeding, restore normal breathing, insert an IV to keep the patient from going into shock (if the patient is not in shock already), connect the patient to a heart monitor and a pulse machine, and administer medication to reduce pain, inflammation, and infection.
Precautions To Take When Cleaning The Teeth Of Small Dogs At Your Veterinary Office
Generally, cleaning the teeth of a dog will require performing maintenance while the dog is still awake, but just restrained. For smaller dogs, you may need to put them under anesthesia in order to clean their teeth. This is because their teeth are much smaller, making the process more intricate. If you are setting up your veterinary office to be equipped to perform tooth cleaning on small dogs, here are some precautions that you will need to take.
Working As A Lab Assistant? How To Care For Your Pipettes
If you're going to be working as a lab assistant, it's important that you familiarize yourself with the proper care of the pipettes. Unlike the disposable pipettes that you used in high school, or even in your undergrad college courses, the pipettes that will be used in the research lab are durable, and made to last. They're also made to be given proper care. Now that you'll be working as a lab assistant, you'll be spending a good portion of your day ensuring that the lab equipment is clean and ready for use.
4 Things To Add To Your Bathroom To Make It More Handicapped Friendly
If you have a handicapped family member who is going to be moving into your home soon, you are going to want to modify your home so that it is more comfortable for your handicapped family member. The bathroom is a space where most people want privacy, so you want to add as many modifications as possible to your bathroom to afford your handicapped family member with the privacy they need in the bathroom.
3 Tips For Renting A Wheelchair For Your Next Trip
Before traveling, you have to decide whether or not you want to rent a wheelchair or take yours for the trip. Some people are hesitant to take their own chairs out of fear of loss or damage. If you have decided to rent a wheelchair, here are a few things to remember:
Reserve the Wheelchair Early
To ensure the medical mobility supply company you are renting from has the wheelchair you want to use available, you need to reserve it well before your trip.
3 Considerations For Your Lift Chair Checklist
A lift chair is a welcome addition to those who find it difficult to stand from an ordinary arm chair or recliner. With a special tilting mechanism, the lift chair lift the chair from the base, making it easier for the user to rise and stand from the seat. If you have decided to purchase a lift chair, you may be overwhelmed by the choices and options available. To help you make the best choice possible, you might want to consider the following tips as you set out to make your purchase:
Four Types Of Medical Specialty Tables Physicians Will Use
Have you ever wondered about the specialty tables used in a physician's examining room? There are various tables of specialty tables that physicians and medical specialists will use. You may find everything from the basic examining room table to more detailed tables for precise diagnosis and care. To satisfy your curiosity, here are four types of medical specialty tables and what they are used for:
1. The Basic Examining Table